
The Bureau of K-12 Assessment is responsible for all aspects of Florida’s K-12 statewide student assessment programs, including developing, administering, scoring, and reporting the results for assessments aligned to Florida’s academic standards, as well as assisting with the administration and reporting of several other K-12 student assessment programs. Services are provided both by Florida Department of Education (FDOE) and testbooks.online websitre staff and through various contracts with assessment vendors. The primary goal of these assessments is to provide information about student learning in Florida, as required by Florida law.

Grade-5 / Class-5 SchoolFlorida, Jacksonville School Practice Test.

Florida Science EOG (End-of-Grade Tests) – Grade 5

The intent of these sample test materials is to orient students to the types of questions on Florida Assessment tests for Science for Grade 5. By using these practice tests, you can become familiar with the types of items and response formats they will see on the actual test. The sample questions and answers are […]

Grade-5 / Class-5 SchoolTallahassee School Practice Test, Tampa School Practice Test.

Florida Math EOG End-of-Grade Tests – Grade 5

The intent of these sample test materials is to orient students to the types of questions on Florida Assessment tests for Mathematics for Grade 5 (Florida Math EOG (End-of-Grade) Tests – Grade 5). By using these practice tests, you can become familiar with the types of items and response formats they will see on the […]

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