Grade-7: Mathematics TestPrep (Arkansas)
The Arkansas – Grade7 Mathematics End of Class (EOC) Comprehensive Testing, Assessment, and Accountability Program (ACTAAP) is for grade-7 students.
The Arkansas – Grade7 Mathematics End of Class (EOC) Comprehensive Testing, Assessment, and Accountability Program (ACTAAP) is for grade-7 students.
Maryland Grade-7 End of Grade Mathematics test (MSA)
The Idaho ISAT exam for Mathematics in Grade-7 items address a variety of skill levels, from short-term recall to skills and problem solving. The ISAT summative assessment is administered during the last 8 weeks of the school. It consists of two parts: a computer-adaptive test and performance tasks that are given on the computer.
SBAC (Mathematics) or Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium test for Math in Connecticut –
CMAS for Grade-7 Mathematics EOG: The Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS)
The Grade-7 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for Mathematics and other subjects is the state academic testing program.
In New Mexico, students in seventh grade take the New Mexico Measures of Student Success and Achievement (NM-MSSA) in mathematics.
Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP) –
Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) –
The Kansas Assessment Program (KAP) for Grade-7 Mathematics, a program of the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE).