United States
Grade-8: Mathematics TestPrep (Rhode Island)
The RICAS (Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System) in Grade-8 is the standardized testing administered to Rhode Island students. The RICAS is a prime assessment that evaluates student achievement in English Language Arts/Literacy and Math in grades 3 through 8.
West Virginia Grade-8 Mathematics TestPrep
West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA) for Grade-8 Math.
Hawaii State Assessment Mathematics Test Grade-8 (HSA)
The Grade-8 Mathematics EOC Exams in Hawaii are employed to gauge the level of proficiency of students in terms of course content standards. Additionally, they aid in instructing and standardizing course expectations for Algebra I, Algebra II, Biology I, and U.S. History.
Grade-8: Mathematics TestPrep (California)
The Grade-6 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) for Mathematics and other subjects is the state academic testing program.